Hello! 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Below are spider diagrams I have created to present the technologies I have used throughout my planning, research, and evaluation.
Hello! 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
For the third evaluation question, I have created 2 surveys to find out a final audience feedback regarding all 3 of my products. Below is an explanation of the survey about my trailer.
Through this, I have learned that there are different aspects of the trailer that will be dominant towards the viewers of opposite genders. For instance, most viewers who voted for the intercom voice as their favourite scene were mostly male and this correlates with Stuart Hall's reception theory in which because the intercom is male, it is most likely they could relate or lean more towards this character/ scene of the trailer. Also, I have learned that rather than following the traditional narrative theory by theorist Tzvetan Todorov (wherein the narrative has a clear beginning, middle and end), for a trailer, it is best to have a non-linear narrative to entice the audience to watch the film itself. This correlates with Rolan Barthes' enigma code when the static sound effect opened the scene of the intercom which is the enigma
Moving on below is the survey for the magazine and poster combined.
Overall, I have learned that combined products have helped increase the likelihood of the audience to want to watch the film without watching the trailer. With the magazine, 90% of the audience voted that it looked professional therefore it intrigued the audience to find out more about the film this correlates with question 2 (about the combination of the ancillary texts and main product) and I agree that the combination of products will definitely help branch out to a wider audience.
Similar to the trailer, depending on who the main character is in front of the screen, it will affect which gender will be attracted. in the magazine, because the character is female more female audience were attracted towards it bringing a following more female audience to watch following Stuart Hall's theory. When asked about whether the products would want them to see the film, an interested majority interestedly. Some suggested to perhaps using a male model instead of a female model for the magazine but that is the majority of the male audience suggesting, again emphasizing the negotiated theory.