Part of our planning is to scout locations for our film trailer. Because my group has chosen to solely focus our film trailer at school, St Gregory's Catholic School, our location recce was straightforward to do.
1. This is the exterior of the sixth form centre and we chose this because it is great for an establishing shot at the beginning of the film trailer for the audience to recognise the prime location of the film trailer.
Alongside this point, we took this at a low angle to be able to evoke an empowering and intimidating aura and the eerie atmosphere, if filmed during dusk, will be able to entice the audience.
2. These 3 images all share the same aspect of having leading lines which draws attention to the audience to the focal point of the image and it perfectly fits gives off a mysterious uncanny vibe fitting in with the genre of the film trailer.
3. Chiaroscuro is an effect caused by the contrast between light and shadow and we were looking for locations that would be able to match this description. The entrance of the north building hallway, wind tunnel, and south building lavatory evoke this enigmatic and perplexing representation.
4. Stairs are often used in mystery/ thriller films as a gateway for the plot to lead a character to the unknown. We have found various locations not only around the sixth form building but also around the courtyard and south building.
5. The balcony in the middle floor of the sixth form building is a great place to shoot any intense scene such as someone forcibly pushing another off the balcony or any heart-racing arguments.
6. These are miscellaneous locations where we could film scenes which involve a character running from someone or an establishing shot to introduce the beginning of the next scene.
7. Lastly is the gate outside the corner of the south building. Although it looks quite serene and peaceful during the day, when filmed at dusk it will be a sinister place to film the death of the main character or any flashbacks.